If you ever find yourself struggling to cope with things happening in the news, or in the world - you're not alone.
How events in the news might impact our wellbeing
We live in a complicated world. Over the past few years headlines have included the cost of living crisis, climate change, wars, natural disasters, coronavirus, terrorism, and political uncertainty.
Some news highlights a difficult reality - like the existence of racism, poverty, and other kinds of inequality. Coverage can seem constant through 24-hour TV, news websites and social media. And for many of us these issues aren't only in the headlines - they impact our daily lives.
For example, we may feel:
Anxious or worried about what an event means for us, or our loved ones
Overwhelmed or stressed - especially when an event is dominating the news
Angry or frustrated - for example about injustice
Sad or upset
Afraid or unsafe
Hopeless or powerless about a situation we can't control
Confused about what's happening, and who we can trust
Pressured to always stay informed - and guilty when we can't
Traumatised - as seeing other people experiencing violence or grief can bring up painful feelings and traumatic memories from our own lives
Isolated, conflicted or suspicious of others - for example when other people hold opinions you don't share
Unable to enjoy any media - like we can't use TV or our phones to help us relax any more, when we usually would
Unable to switch off or stop scrolling - even though it might be making us feel worse
Unsure how to talk about what's happening - especially to younger children
Of course there are always positive and inspiring things happening in the world. And keeping informed about what's going on around us can feel useful and empowering.
Events may affect each of us differently depending on our own views and experiences. There's no right or wrong way to feel.
But if you're finding things hard, you might find the following tips helpful.
Tips for coping with distressing news events
Remember that different things work for different people at different times. If a particular suggestion doesn't work for you, be kind to yourself. You could try something else, or try again later.
Set boundaries with your news habits
Watching, reading or listening to the news is a helpful way to stay informed. And when a story is developing, it can be tempting to see what everyone else is saying on social media. But if that's making you feel worse, you might want to change your habits.
You could try to:
Set yourself limits, and try to stick to them - like only looking at the news at a certain time of day, or for a set amount of time
Mute notifications from news websites and apps, so you only engage with the news when you choose to
Tailor your social media - for example by choosing to view certain pages, but not scroll through timelines or newsfeeds
Focus on factual content rather than opinions - even though the facts may still be difficult
Seek out some positive or uplifting news stories, or scroll social feeds that make you feel good
Remember it's not possible to keep up to date with everything, and it's ok to take a break if you need to.
Focus on what you can control
It might help to try to focus on what you can control – even if there aren't many things, or if they only feel small.
To help focus your thoughts you could:
Make a list of the things you can change, and the things you can't
Try to notice positive things in your life that are staying the same, despite other things feeling uncertain
Try to distract yourself from the things you can't control - for example with a relaxation exercise
Take care of your overall wellbeing
Taking care of ourselves is sometimes called practising self-care. Self-care means different things to different people. It can describe anything you do to look after your own physical and mental wellbeing. It's a way to build up your energy and strength.
When you're feeling very worried or distressed, you may find it harder to sleep, exercise or take care of your diet. But even when lots of things feel out of control – you can decide when and how you show yourself kindness.
Take action for change in the world
Depending on the issue affecting you, you may find it rewarding to take action for change.
This won't always feel possible. And it's important to remember that it's not your responsibility alone to tackle big problems.
But there may be times where you find taking action helpful. And even small actions can contribute to making a difference.
Here are some options to explore:
Do-it can help you find volunteer opportunities for a range of causes that suit your skills
Volunteering Matters can help you find local volunteering opportunities in your community
Volunteering Wales can help you find volunteering opportunities in Wales
Friends of the Earth suggests ways to protect the natural world where you live
Trussell Trust offers the opportunity to volunteer at a food bank near you
Change.org allows you to sign petitions about causes that matter to you
The Senedd Petitions Committee lets you sign petitions to the Welsh Parliament
We have a list of organisations that campaign against racism - some may offer ways to get involved
Gov.uk has some advice about how to safely donate or volunteer to aid humanitarian disasters
You can also campaign with us at Mind for a fairer mental health system
The gov.uk website has more information about your rights when volunteering, and how to find opportunities.
Talk to someone you trust
It could help to speak to someone you trust about how you're feeling. They may be feeling the same way. Talking to someone else about it might help you to feel heard.
If you aren't able to speak to someone close to you, you could try a listening line. Samaritans are open all the time on 116 123, or jo@samaritans.org - they're for anyone who's struggling.
Get more help for your mental health
Experiencing difficult feelings doesn't always mean you have a mental health problem. But if your feelings are very upsetting, last a long time, or are stopping you enjoying your life - you might want to reach out for support.
It's always ok to ask for help, even if you're not sure whether you're experiencing a mental health problem.